A NAV App can contain both new and modified objects. In Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2017, the following object types can be added and included in a NAV App:

You can also modify existing objects of the following types as permitted by your license:

You cannot add or modify any other object types in this version. Also, you cannot delete any existing objects.

You cannot modify any existing C/AL code, including code in codeunits and in triggers on existing objects. If you want to modify existing code, use the new C/AL eventing model. This restriction is only on existing code and objects. New pages, tables, and so on, can contain C/AL code as it is considered part of the new object.

There are restrictions on certain property changes for modified objects. The following tables lists the properties you cannot change. The cmdlets that create and install packages will halt with errors if any of these properties are changed in your app.

Restricted Properties on Existing Page Modifications

You cannot change the values for the following properties for existing Microsoft Dynamics NAV pages in a NAV App.

Subsection Heading

Insert subsection body here.